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 about me: 


Why make art? This is a question I've asked myself many times. For me this comes down to my drive, which derives from an ongoing love I have to visually convey a feeling or make a statement. I developed this love when I was very young, somewhere around the time Shrinky Dinks were the craze. Even though I don't recall what my first thought about art was, I knew I wanted to pursue it as a career. This is something I hope to do full-time in the near future.


A lot changed since that first image I scribbled on what was probably a wall behind my family's couch (I'm sure I didn't get away with it); I've grown to my late 30's, but remain a kid at heart. I've worked several jobs outside of art to pay the bills, moved to southern NM for over 10 years, developed a love for steel sculpting, fell in love with Carlsbad Caverns, and still contemplate the universe. In 2016 I returned to Colorado and live in beautiful Fort Collins with my wife and 2 cats.


The majority of my mornings begin with a delicious cup of coffee warming my nostrils while I take in the cool and fresh Rocky Mountain air. This is a great way to clear my mind and stir my creative bug. I have no formal art training, but have put a great deal of time into learning the materials and processes inside and out. From start to finish I strive for professionalism in all my work; an effort I've imbued into every piece for over a decade that I've been producing, showing, and selling. Most of my creating currently takes place at my home studio where I paint original pieces while trying to keep the cat hair out. I also openly accept commissions, both easel and mural, and any other art project someone may have in mind. If you don't catch me creating in my studio, you can often find me biking or hiking with my wife or friends, or outside staring at the mesmerizing clouds passing by, because, after all, Colorado has some amazing skies.   

Sam.Ross.selfportrait. Fort Collins Colorado artist

Press Article

Sam.Ross.Art.Commissioned Paitings Fort Collins Colorado Artist


Like many artist, I've had to rely on other forms of income to support my habit of creating. One of these was working at my family's art gallery in New Mexico, Gold Street Gallery. It was here that I had been learning the craftsmanship of professional picture framing for over 5 years. In this time I framed hundreds of pieces ranging from original artwork, posters, prints, medal awards, textiles and even an original Picasso. Being in the presence of this master's work was stressful and I had to keep my sweating to a minimum, but was also awe inspiring. I'm very meticulous in my craft and never cut corners, unless it is a perfect right angle in a mat.  

I mention my framing background due to the commissioned artwork and my original paintings. Part of the service I offer with commissioned paintings is framing the piece if the customer desires. I offer framing at very affordable prices along with many options. To learn more, please check out the FAQ page. 

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